What a day today. After Parker was dropped off at day-care we received a call asking if we would give permission to let him travel on a bus (his first bus ride ever) to the Shawano Speedway with the older kids. I wanted to watch him on his first bus ride, plus it was 35-45 minutes away so it wasn't just a quick stroll across town but I guess this means he is growing up. We were excited for him but sad at the same time, all parents know the feeling. If you know anything about Parker, he loves 3 things in his life; his Mom first and foremost, his dinosaurs and his race cars. He came home with stickers, race car spec sheets, and he was full of stories about the cars and the race track. And to top it off he went to McDonalds for lunch. He ate the apples, drank his milk and still won't eat the burgers or the chicken nuggets...I love him! It was great to see him sooo excited about his day with the big kids. After dinner we ran over to the Neville Museum in GB for a quick tour. He loved the little boxes they had set up for kids to "dig up" eggs like a paleontologist and the ice cave. What a great day for the whole family.
Here is Parker with the "Big Brother" T rex
....and the Dad Trex
Enjoying time with Mom
Mom and baby posing for the Bald Eagle
while Parker looks for snakes
Exploring different types of eggs
Parker checking out Oviraptor eggs that were found in China
Digging for eggs with Mom
Only as big as an adult therapod tibia, I think
Walking with the Dinosaurs next week will be amazing for our junior paleontologist
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