Thursday, November 18, 2010

3 Months Old

Tuesday Crosby was 13 weeks old, Wednesday he officially turned 3 months old.  When do you switch from weeks to months?  For now you get both updates.  I returned to work this week so Crosby went to his new babysitters house for the first time.  He seems to be adjusting pretty well, although he was pretty tired after the first 2 days.  He spends part of his week with 3yr old twin girls, sounds like they enjoyed having him around (plus he came home with colored pictures from them on day one).   Parker loves him so much and that is very helpful at home.  We are going through a tough patch with Parker hanging out with the wrong kid(s) at school so hopefully we can end that quickly.  Pen took some bathtub pics and of course her 3 month old "tie" pictures so I am sharing.  Enjoy and we'll post more soon.

Crosby using his exersaucer

Crosby laughing with Pen

Smiling at Pen

Bath time for the little one

and for the big kid

the Mellenthin boys

3 month old pictures

Parker sneaking into a picture

Parker grabbed the sticker and smiled for mom

1 comment:

  1. Super excited to have you guys visit us next week! Please drive safe on your way! Also, who are these kids from school impacting my nephew negatively, does hank need to visit and clear this up? Wait for it.......
