Friday, August 3, 2012

Family Night

Family Night Mellenthin Style

It was Crosby's first time riding in the Mastercraft and he totally loved it.  He's much braver than he should be and he seemed to enjoy everything about boating.  He was so excited to go on the boat, he must have said the words "boat" and "water" fifty times each before we even got to the boat launch.  It was so much fun to watch him take it all in.  It is also clear that when Crosby is with we need more than 2 adults on the boat.

Parker was such a BIG helper tonight and has gotten very good at being a safe boater.  He not only helped with getting everyone in and out of the boat safely, but he also demonstrated for Crosby everything we needed to teach him to keep him in the boat when all he wanted to do was jump into the water.  Parker also has gotten much more confident in his boarding skills and is able to hold the rope without dad's help making it a little nerve racking for mom & dad (75 feet seems VERY far away when it is your child holding onto the other end of the rope).  He knows to let go of the rope if he gets into trouble and to wave to signal he is okay.  Fortunately, we didn't have to worry too much about this tonight.  It is incredible to see how quickly he has developed and how proud he is for this accomplishment.

Dave was in his element tonight which made the night feel perfect for all of us.  The boat is FINALLY running well and he was able to relax and just enjoy family time doing what he loves most.  I don't think he stopped smiling, not even while he was giving instructions to each of us and tolerating our silly questions and suggestions.  The weather was perfect and most of the Green Bay community was busy watching the Packers, giving us more than enough space to play and get comfortable at our own pace.

Here are a few pictures of the night:

Can you say "Adrenaline Junkie"?  This was
Crosby's first ride on the boat and he wasn't
scared at all, except when Parker got into the water.
That made him a little nervous,
so nervous he tried to jump in after him.
Crosby driving for the first time.
Dave showed him where the horn is
and he kept "finding" it throughout the night.

Parker chillin' in the back,
watching waves and telling us to go faster

Getting ready to "belly-board"

Crosby's fashion statement.

Parker asked to go out there by himself...
(not sure mom & dad were ready for this but he sure was)

we started out slow...

but he was getting splashed in the face...

so we sped up and he did awesome!

not sure who is more proud here

Crosby was happy that Parker
was back in the boat and
wouldn't leave his side.
He kept hugging and kissing him.

Brotherly love

Smiles all around

It was great to relax on the water

Dad even let us eat PB&J, crackers and chips on the boat.
It was the perfect family night for us!

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