Parker Ethan Mellenthin 4 1/2 years old (4/7/2006)
Height 43 inches
Weight 43 pounds
No shots today, just the flu mist.
Crosby Graham Mellenthin 10 weeks old (8/17/2010)
Height 24 inches (75%)
Weight 14lbs, 10 ozs (95%)
Head 40 mm? (50%)
No shots today but he took an oral medicine.
Crosby has a little bit of thrush on the inside of his cheeks so we will be giving him medicine for 10 days to help get rid of that. We are in the process of transitioning him to formula and the little bugger hasn't had a BM since Saturday night. He is working it out as we speak, hopefully it is more than just gas today. The last 2 nights he has slept for 4 straight hours, a new record for us! Every little bit helps (the parents mostly).
Parker is healthy and strong. Nothing new at this visit but we can give an update on the dentist visit last week. Parker went back with the dentist all by himself and was a great listener. He had x-rays taken to make sure his permanent teeth are coming in properly and was a champ. All the future teeth are growing and in the right place so that is good. Parker has an enamel deficiency on his back teeth, top and bottom. Next week I will be taking him back in to get 2 small cavities filled so that will be very interesting. Since our visit we have adding flossing each night to our routine and he is very good at laying his head back so we can do it correctly.
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